Liquidity & Stability
Liquidity Pool for #MATT & #VRSE
In order to support and incentivize creating, playing, and spending of #VRSE in Matterverse, it is important to give #VRSE liquidity in the market.
Creators can earn #VRSE through ticketing or selling their creation and enter the #VRSE that they have earned into a liquidity pool to be sold to players who wish to purchase #VRSE to enrich their player experiences within Matterverse.
The Exchange LP will have a combination of #MATT, #ETH, #USDT, #BTC and other publically traded tokens to ensure ease of transaction and exchange.
Price Stability for #VRSE
As the native in-game currency, while #VRSE does not have a fixed total supply, mechanisms will also be introduced to curb inflation and ensure value stability.
New #VRSE tokens are issued when earned from the system by the players or creators. #VRSE tokens would be burned whenever they are spent for utilities provided by the system (not a third party). Therefore, as the level of activity goes up in MatterCity, more #VRSE tokens will also be issued and burned. The price stability for #VRSE is determined by its demand and supply. A mechanism would be introduced to tweak the supply-demand relationship by changing the # of tokens issued and burned to provide relative stability for the #VRSE token.
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